Many people will focus on growing vegetables on their plot but maybe you have thought about helping the bees and other pollinators this year and to sow and plant some flowers in between your vegetables.
Maybe you have never grown flowers on your plot before and are unsure what flowers to sow or plant? Or if you already grow flowers every year why not try some you have never grown before? Also have a look at this wildlife-friendly allotment plot and suggestions to attract pollinators and other beneficial wildlife for more ideas and inspiration.
You can also watch the two allotment videos I recently made to see how my own allotment looks now and to get more ideas of what to plant and how to make your plot more wildlife-friendly.
My wildlife-friendly allotment in June/July 2015
My wildlife-friendly allotment plot in early August 2015
Below I have compiled a list of suitable flowers for allotments and vegetable plots. All of them I have grown for several years now and are easy to grow, nice to look at and good for pollinators. I have also included some advice for sowing and anything else I thought would be interesting to know about the plants.

Hollyhock (Alcea rosea): A nice cottage garden plant which you often do not even have to sow as it colonises your plot by itself. It is a biennial or short-lived perennial plant which looks best next to a shed or in a flower bed. If it does not come on its own you can sow the seeds in spring where they are to flower. You have to wait a year for the flowers as the plant will grow leaves in the first year with the flower stalks to appear in the second year. Bees and bumblebees will visit the big flowers.

The flowers attract bees and hoverflies and are either bright orange or white.
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Arctotis fastuosa is an unusual but very attractive plant |

The leaves have a cucumber flavour and can be eaten when young (older leaves are quite prickly). The flowers are a nice addition in salads, soups and sandwiches.
Borage has very attractive flowers |
Avoid double-flowered pot marigold as bees will not visit these flowers. Stick with single-flowered varieties and the bees will happily come to your plot.
Leaf-cutter bee (Megachile) |
Corn marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum): Corn marigold is a native wildflower and colonises lime-free arable fields in Britain. It has cheery yellow daisy flowers which are best sown together with blue corn flowers (Centaurea cyanus) in full sun to give a nice contrast. The seeds can be sown in March or April and will flower from July onwards. Flies and hoverflies are especially attracted to these flowers.
Cosmos sulphureus |
Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus and Cosmos sulphureus): Cosmos is one of my favourite allotment plants and the flowers provide pollen and nectar for bees, bumblebees and butterflies in late summer and autumn. Cosmos bipinnatus is a tall plant, usually with pink, purple or white flowers and best grown at the back of the vegetable bed or in between taller vegetables. Cosmos sulphureus is smaller and has bright orange flowers. Both can be sown where they are to flower in mid -to late April but the seedlings should be covered with fleece if a sharp frost is forecast. Alternatively you can sow indoors in March and plant the young plants outside after the last frost in late April/May. Both Cosmos species need a sunny position.
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Cosmos bipinnatus with a Common carder bumblebee visiting |
Common Carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) |
Red-tailed bumblebee male (Bombus lapidarius) |
Poached-egg plant is low-growing and a good choice to cover the soil around fruit bushes. It can be sown in March and flowers quite early in late May/June. Early hoverflies like the flowers and by planting poached-egg plant you can lure them to your plot.
The plant readily self-seeds and if you have sown it once you don`t have to sow it again.
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Limnanthes douglasii sown together with Osteospermum |
Solitary bee visiting |
Common madia (Madia elegans): Another unusual plant for your allotment. Common madia is a native of western North America and grows in dry open places and on roadsides. Sow the seeds in April where they are to flower. The plant flowers July - August and the bright yellow flowers will only open in the morning. There is one thing about the plant which is really special: the leaves have a scent of tropical fruit, so grow this plant near a seating area or somewhere you walk past often.
Madia elegans planted together with Cosmos and Physostegia |
There are varieties with pure yellow flowers and varieties with a mix of yellow and dark red flowers. I normally grow a mix of both and it is a good plant to provide pollen and nectar late in the season. You can grow the shorter varieties of black-eyed susan in between your vegetables or if you like the taller varieties more grow them together with other taller plants such as borage and cosmos.
Black-eyed susan is a magnet for bees and bumblebees |
Cerinthe major is a pretty but more unusual looking plant |
Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia): A great plant for bumblebees and butterflies. Sow directly outside where you want it to grow. Also good ground-cover plants and green manure.
Volucell inanis, a large hoverfly |
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Great for bumblebees, butterflies and moths. Needs well-drained soil and sunshine for most of the day.
Common carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) |
Other good allotment flowers are lemon marigold (Tagetes tenuifolia), nasturtium (Tropaeolum major) and royal mallow (Lavatera trimestris). All three can be sown in April where they are to flower and are visited by pollinators.
Bombus terrestris/lucorum visiting a nasturtium flower |
I hope I could give you some inspiration about what flowers to grow this year. Maybe you will even try one of the more unusual plants I mentioned. Once you have done the hard work of sowing and planting sit back and relax and enjoy your flower spectacle and all the pollinators you will attract to your plot.